It all begins with an idea.

I have come to the conclusion I am first and foremost a councilor at heart and secondarily an avid research analyst.  I practice what I preach and have always promoted only proven products and services such as those offered in this Equity Dreams Publication and Equity Dreams website.  

I have been given many titles in my careers, such as CEO, President, Marketing Director, Trainer, Appraiser, Developer, Consultant, Engineer, Realtor, Real Estate Broker, Mortgage Broker, Contractor, Financial Advisor, Securities Broker, Life Agent, Disability Senior Advisor, Health-Dental-Vision Councilor, Community Property Specialist, Marketer, Retirement Advisor, Entrepreneur, Author and Publisher; so many titles, it makes my head spin.  A title makes one feel important and there is usually a monetary reward for having some of these titles. But, these days, I wish to be known simply as a home equity counselor and researcher. One who can guide and train home owners on how to keep more of their hard earned home equity.